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Terunofuji beats Takanosho in playoff to seize 10th career title_と ある 幸せ な 家族 の 話

时间:2024-09-20 02:46:59 来源:HolaSports 作者:包括的な 阅读:215次

Terunofuji beats Takanosho in playoff to seize 10th career title


July 28,と ある 幸せ な 家族 の 話 2024 at 18:49 JST

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Photo/IllutrationYokozuna Terunofuji after defeating maegashira No. 6 Takanosho in a championship playoff of the Nagoya Grand Sumo Tournament at Dolphins Arena on July 28 (Shigetaka Kodama)

  • Photo/Illutration

NAGOYA--Yokozuna Terunofuji seized his 10th career title after a playoff against rank-and-filer Takanosho, becoming the 15th wrestler to collect double-digit championships.

The 32-year-old Mongolian lost to ozeki Kotozakura on July 28, the final day of the Nagoya Grand Sumo Tournament at Dolphins Arena, falling into a tie with Takanosho at 12-3.

While Terunofuji had lost to Takanosho, maegashira No. 6, the previous day, the yokozuna forced the wrestler out of the ring in the championship playoff.

In a television interview, Terunofuji expressed his happiness at achieving his goal of a 10th championship.

“In the latest tournament, I have been able to complete to certain degree the style of sumo that I was aiming for since I became a sumo wrestler,” he said.

Terunofuji, who chalked up his ninth title in the New Year Grand Sumo Tournament in January, pulled out of the subsequent two tournaments midway through due mainly to long-time knee injuries.

But he led the pack going into the final day of the latest tournament, losing only to sekiwake Onosato on Day 11 and Takanosho on Day 14.

The Nagoya tournament was his 18th since Terunofuji was promoted to yokozuna in September 2021.

But he stayed away or withdrew from 10 of those tournaments due to injuries to both of his knees, as well as his back and side.

Before Terunofuji, yokozuna Hakuho, also a Mongolian, was the last wrestler to reach the 10-championship threshold.

Hakuho, who clinched his 10th title in March 2009, went on to rack up 45 championship, an all-time record in the history of sumo, before he retired from the sport in 2021.

Takanosho, 29, a former sekiwake, entered Day 15 at 11-3, one win less than Terunofuji, and tied with the yokozuna by pushing Onosato out of the ring.

Onosato was promoted to the third-highest rank after yokozuna and ozeki following his first career championship in May.


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